Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Color Play

Snail's Trail

Part 4

In my last three posts I've been exploring fabric color choices to see how they affect a Snail's Trail block.

Today is no different.

What if one spiral arm is two tones of maroon?
What if the spiral next to it is lighter and more purple and ends with a gray corner?
What if the one next to that is lighter and even  more purple and ends with a gray corner as well?
What if four blocks are repeated reflected to make a larger block?
What if four  larger blocks are combined?

What if the spiral path is altered so that there are only two spirals?
What if one spiral is totally black?
What if one spiral gradates from green to red?
What if four blocks are reflected to make a larger block?
What if four larger blocks are combined?

What if each spiral is a different color?
What if two blocks are rotated so that the gold is on the inside and two are rotated so that the gold is on the outside?
What if the larger block made this way is repeated?

What if the four center squares are replaced by a single gray square?
What if there are only two spirals, one brown and one green, and they are extended so that they wrap around the center square?
What if four blocks, two facing one direction and two facing the opposite direction, are combined to make a larger block?
What if four larger blocks are combined reflected?                     

What if there are no spirals?
What if the pieces are colored to emphasize the squares within squares within squares?
What if the pieces on one diagonal are reds and those on the other diagonal are tans?

I've been playing with how a Snail's Trail block is colored. I've shown you some of the things I've come up with. What I haven't shown you are the many things I tried that didn't even come close to working. They don't matter. What matters are the ones that do work.

No doubt there are many more things that could be tried. Perhaps you could show me some of those.


  1. I must say I am glad you are revisiting snails trails. I love this old traditional design, though typically, I do not like traditional quilts (same. Or ing block after same boring block).
    I've been designing my own quilts since I started sewing a few years ago and it is much more satisfying, though I've not done anything as spectacular as you!
    I must say I love the older experiments you've done with this block better (the offsets).
    Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing. Have purchased your book and two additional copies for friends! You are very talented and inspirational!

  2. Jake

    I don't have to tell you that designing quilts is a real kick. I've never sewn a quilt I didn't design. How do we convince all those other quilters to start designing?

    And I probably don't have to tell you I'm glad to hear you bought my book. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

  3. Oh I have! And my friends love their copies as well....I'm not sure how to convince people of the pleasures of quilt design....but it is fabulous to really "own" your work. I can't even bring myself to pay someone to quilt my quilts....I mean, seriously, that's half the work. I want my quilts to be just that...mine. I've never sewn a quilt that wasn't mine either except for a snails trail, but, you know I put my own little twist on it!

  4. The black and orange one looks like a seat belt to keep people from falling out of bed ... love it.

    I agree with Jake ... I want the quilts I make to be unique to me, regardless of where the blocks come from ... traditional blocks can be varied a bit(!) to make them unique, or I can use original blocks, and then the layout of the quilt has huge potential to be twisted to suit me.

  5. Judy

    I think the seat belt could be used to make a very interesting table runner
