King's Crown
When I repeat a King's Crown block I get a pattern that is pleasant but not very exciting.
What if I put sashing between the blocks?
What if I try black sashing?
The black is overpowering; it draws too much attention to itself and detracts from the pattern.
What if I change the sashing from black to grays and vary the color of the King's Crown blocks?
The blocks stand out now, so this is better. However I find this a bit busy; it needs calming down.
What if I replace the white in each block with a light tint of the block color?
This is easier on the eyes.
What if I replace the grays in the sashing with dark browns?
This works. Because the King's Crown blocks now vary in color they are strong enough to overpower the dark sashing.
I would still like this to be more exciting.
In my very first post, 15 December 2009, I developed this version of a King's Crown block. When some of them are rotated, 16 of them make this pattern.
What if I try adding sashing between the blocks?
What if I use gray sashing and place colored squares in the corners where the blocks meet?
This changes the pattern dramatically and I like it.
What if, next to the colored corner squares in the sashing, I add dark gray squares?
I like this change too.
For more King's Crown explorations go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on King's Crown.
70s Log Cabin 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
17 hours ago
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