Thursday, May 23, 2013

Offset Block #14



I was looking for an interesting block to play with offset when I came across Spool. My first thought was, this is not an interesting block and no matter how I color it or offset it, it will never be interesting. I decided to give it a try more out of a sense of fairness and duty than from any expectation that anything would come from it.

Here's what I found.

I was wrong when I thought Spool had no potential to be interesting.


  1. Ah ha! That is what happens in my drawer of threads ... they get tangled so I can't find the one I want!

  2. I have always wanted to make a Spool Quilt. However, it seemed so simple a design, I never got around to making one. Your designs and colorful additions to this block have greatly inspired me to pull fabrics from my stash and finally make my Spool Block Quilt. I look forward to following your website and buying your book. THANK YOU for writing this book. I plan to tell all my friends about you and your book. Sincerely, Barb S.
