Playing with Quilting
Ninepatch Placemat
This 12" x 18" placemat was made from 6 Ninepatch blocks.
I am going to use it to experiment with some quilting.
What if I start by sewing arcs around the center square of the Ninepatch block?
What if I add a second, taller arc to each of the original arcs?
How do 6 of these look in a placemat?
I like this; it makes the placemat more interesting. It's simple. But is it too simple?
What if I repeat the stitching pattern, but center it on the large green squares?
Then this is how the placemat looks.
I like this too. It's definitely fussier than the previous version. But there is also more for the eye to explore.
For more ideas on quilting placemats go to
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I won't drive you nuts commenting on everyone of these but they are all great and I love the idea of something small like this to practice on!!