I'm going to start very simple with these two reverse image blocks that were designed on a ninepatch grid.
What if I combine 2 of each, rotated?
I get a tessellation - a single repeating shape that fills the space.
What if I combine 4 of the new block:
1) repeated,
2) rotated,
3) reflected?
I get tessellations that are big, bold and clunky.
What if I add a triangular notch in the center of the original block?
What if I combine 2 of each, rotated?
I get this tessellation.
What if I combine 4 of this new block:
1) repeated,
2) rotated,
3) reflected?
I get tessellations that are a little more detailed.
What if I add another notch?
I get an N.
What if I combine 2 of each N, rotated?
I get this tessellation.
What if I combine 4 of this new block:
1) repeated,
2) rotated,
3) reflected?
I get tessellations that are still more detailed.
What if I extend one end of the N?
What if I combine 2 of each new N, rotated?
I get this tessellation.
What if I combine 4 of this new block:
1) repeated,
2) rotated,
3) reflected?
The first one is a tessellation but the other two aren't.
It suddenly occurs to me that I've been forgetting that a square has 4 corners. I can choose a different corner to rotate the blocks around if I want to.
These are the same blocks as above but rotated around a different corner.
What if I combine 4 of this new block:
1) repeated,
2) rotated,
3) reflected?
These are all tessellations. I particularly like the center one.
When I repeat the center tessellation I get this. I think this has potential. Tomorrow I'll try coloring it and explore that potential.
For more tessellation ideas go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on Tessellation.
Deena’s Delight OP 7, 8
8 hours ago
Fantastic! I'm inspired to try a quilt made from this block.