Unnamed Block from 4-Patch Units
Using 2 colors, there are 6 possible 4-Patch unit combinations.
What if I use nine 4-Patch units to make a block?
I've made the block symetrical about a diagonal axis.
What if I use 4 blocks to make a larger block?
What if I color one corner of the larger block light green and the opposite corner dark green?
What if I use purple to color the rectangles in the middle of each side?
What if I put 8 of these large blocks together to make a wall hanging?
I think this makes an interesting wall hanging.
I like to play with blocks to see what affect different colors and different arrangements have. To see more of my playing go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on Blocks.
Deena’s Delight OP 7, 8
10 hours ago
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