I Used To Think This Was
The King's Crown Block
And, of course, it is. At least, according to conventional wisdom, it is.
But then....
So is this, with the diamond emphasized.
And this, with all the squares emphasized.
And this, which is the negative of the first block.
Changing how it is colored changes the block.
So now I prefer to think of this as the King's Crown Block.
It has no color at all. Which means I get to choose the colors and the emphasis.
Which means there are endless King's Crown blocks.
For example:
I think King's Crown just got a whole lot more interesting.
Windham Fabrics 2025 Challenge Quilts
14 hours ago
Do you know - this is the sort of thing that happens to me when I see a quilt made, and reckon I'll do one like it, and then - because I can't seem to work correctly with darks, mediums and lights, I end up with a quilt with a totally different appearance - not always satisfactory, I might add! Now, I guess I'll look at them in a different light and even try deliberately to achieve something different. I do like your green and beige one in this post - gives the appearance of a tartan of sorts. Margaret.