Playing with Quilting
Nine Patch Placemat
This 12" x 18" placemat is made from 6 Nine Patch blocks.
How can I quilt this to make it more interesting?
What if I start with lines radiating out from the center to the mid-points of the edges of the corner squares of a Nine Patch block?
It needs more than this.
What if I then join the mid-points of the edges of the center square to the mid-point of the edges of the corner squares?
I think this has a retro feel.
When this quilt pattern is used for all 6 bocks in the placemat secondary patterns are formed.
Often quilting is an after-thought and plays a secondary role.
In this case the quilting and the piecing are equal partners in the design.
Deena’s Delight OP 7, 8
10 hours ago
Welcome to blogland!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to finally make it to blogland.
Now that I'm here, one of my goals is to develope some of the quilting design skills that I've been neglecting. I intend to do a series of placemats in which the quilting is a vital part of the design.
ReplyDeleteIt is not often I read every post on a blog when I first find it, but I have this time, and look forward to a great addition to the daily reading list.
I wish I had written 'About this Blog' for my blog! I enjoy every step of making a quilt, but by far the best part is designing.
Do you use a drawing or quilting program? I use a quilt program which replaces a drawing program .... and all the game programs which I used to play with. Now my play time is designing quilts!
Judy B
ReplyDeleteI looked at your blog and it's going on my daily reading list too.
It always makes me happy to hear someone say they love designing their own quilts.
I have EQ6 and it has a lot of wonderful features. But it won't let me design the way I want to so I do most of my designing with a drawing program - Paint.