Playing with Letters
From My Pieced Alphabet:
School House
I wanted to make an alphabet quilt using a School House block.
Rather than put all the letters in one school house, or put a letter each in 26 school houses, I decided to use 26 letters and the numbers from 0 to 9 and put 4 characters each in 9 school houses.
I decided the letters needed to be square so that they would line up vertically and horizontally.
The problem was how to design square letters that would look attractive. Square letters are not the easiest to design.
I found the solution when I asked:
What if I use a grid that is different horizontally and vertically?
For this alphabet the horizontal grid lines are spaced every 1/2". The vertical grid lines are 1", then 1/2", and then 1" again
As a result, very heavy vertical strokes are a feature of this alphabet.
Letters like F get a serif at the end of long horizontal strokes to keep them visually consistent with the other letters in the alphabet.
Going Green
42 minutes ago
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