Wonky Dutchman's Puzzle
What if I take a Dutchman's Puzzle block and change its regular grid into one that is based on the Fibonacci series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...?
I get a wonky Dutchman's Puzzle block.
What if I take 4 wonky Dutchman's Puzzle blocks and combine them rotated?
Because the block has 4 corners I get these 4 combinations.
What if I take 4 wonky Dutchman's Puzzle blocks and combine them reflected?
Because the block has 4 sides I get these 4 combinations.
I now have 8 larger blocks that I can experiment with.
For more wonky blocks go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on Wonky Blocks.
70s Log Cabin 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
11 hours ago
So Cool..........