Monday, October 25, 2010

From My Pieced Alphabet:

University Heights

This is how I decide to piece this h. But before I made this decision I explored several options.
What if I piece the serifs for the h like this?

It would mean fewer pieces - 4 instead of 5. However, my experience is that long thin strips can be difficult to sew together as they have a tendency to warp.
What if I piece the center of the h like this?

I would have to be careful to match the seams at the blue circle. Not that this is all that difficult to do; but why risk possible problems if you don't have to?
What if I piece the top of the h like this?

Again, I would be unnecessarily risking mismatched seams.
 What if I combine the the serif and the ascender of the h like this?

This eliminates the necessity of sewing 2 small pieces together. However, the ascender on the h is extremely short and vertical seams very subtly help give it definition. So the horizontal seam is out.

The square serifs that are the hallmark of this alphabet eliminate much of the need for spacers between letters.

For more lettering go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on Lettering.

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