Hidden Star
What if I use these on point Hidden Star blocks to design a quilt top?

What if I start with the bright green in the center?
What if I surround it with dark green blocks?
What if I use yellow green blocks next?
I'll leave the top and bottom, left and right blocks off because I want to start shaping the quilt into a square.
What if I place 3 yellow blocks in each of the corners and one each on the top, bottom and sides?
This is starting to look like it will fit in a square.
What if I complete the square by placing an orange block in each corner?
What if I use red for the background and borders?
The dark red really brings out the other colors. I like the lacy effect of the beige against the multi-colored background.
For more ideas using Hidden Star blocks go to My Posts by Subject in the sidebar on the right and click on Hidden Star I use these on point Hidden Star blocks to make a quilt top design?
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