Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Playing with Blocks

Broken Dishes  (See also: 12 January 2010)

I used these 2 variations of a Broken Dishes block to create this larger block.

Yesterday I used 4 of this larger block rotated to create an even larger block, which I thought quite nice.

Judy was not impressed (see her comments yesterday) and wondered if it might not look better if I used mirror image blocks.

Today we'll find out .

What if I use the larger block and it's reflected images to make an even larger block?

These are the 4 possibilities.

There is an interesting visual phenomenon that happens with these.  If I am close to the image and focus on the dark lines as the primary image, I see one thing.  If stand back a bit and I perceive the dark line to be outlines around the light areas, then I see something entirely different.

Is this just me or does anyone else experience this change?


  1. Yes! Number three is the one I like best. Thank you, Wayne, for trying that .... I was going to try it myself!

    And yes, if I focus I can see the pattern differently, not just with this lot, but with many quilts both real and virtual. Sometimes the two 'designs' are great, sometimes one is nearly always dominant, sometimes they can just be confusing. I find the confusing ones often have equal amounts of light and dark in the design.

    Judy B

  2. Judy

    Number three is the one I like best too. I kid you not.

    All four of them look like hieroglyphics from some long-forgotten and yet-to-be-discovered ancient culture.
