Thursday, December 30, 2010

Paired Blocks #12


Nine Patch & Drunkard's Path

This quilt top from 22 December 2010 could use some quilting.
What if I inline the black pinwheels with red thread?

This decorates the pinwheels without overpowering them.
What if I try something similar with the red motifs, but using black thread?

I think this works too. I'm off to a good start.
The black pinwheels remind me of propellers. What if I add some white on white turbulence?

This works but it feels a bit timid to me today. But I might feel different about it some other day.
What if I color some of the turbulence red and some black?

This might actually work in real life. But I am worried about the background competing with the main image. I'm getting timid again.
What if I leave the center red but go to white on white outside the center?

This is much less messy. I like the stronger contrast this gives.
What if I replace the outside turbulence with a series of horizontal lines?

This adds another kind of contrast and has a calming effect. I'm going to leave it like this.


  1. Nice, Wayne. I like the colored thread... and as you say, it often works in life even if it seems scarey in the sketch. Go for it!

  2. Elsie

    I always like the idea of using colored thread to emphasize the quilting. It works best when the quilting works well with the piecing.

  3. I like the horizontal line option along with the red thread in the center. . .looks like a winner to me!

  4. Terry

    I'm glad you like it. It should prove interesting to try and sew.

  5. I like how you approach things - "What if?"

  6. KaHolly

    Actually I approach design by asking three very natural questions: What if? Do I like it? and Why? The design process consists of asking these questions over and over until I find something I want to make.
